When to start a rescue of an in the money naked put

Questions from an investor needed some answers on when to start a rescue strategy after a naked put position that was once out of the money, goes into the money as a stock declines.

Let’s review the question and then look at some answers.

Investor Questions

Dear Teddi!I am a new member, admire your website. I have seen quite a few trading web sites. So far nobody stands even close in my humble opinion.

If I may, I have a question.

After selling naked put, and having my option in the money one day, how fast should I consider repair strategies, such as rolling down for example.

Will I be assigned the shares any moment now or most probably it will happen closer to the expiration date of the option so I can still watch it for some more time? I understand it’s a random process, assignment of shares, but is there any statistics of how soon assignment of in the money options is performed?

Thank you for your time,


The rest of this investor questions article is  for FullyInformed Members.

 Investor Questions: When To Start a Rescue of an In The Money Naked Put Option


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