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Presidents Day Sale

All pricing is in US dollars. There are no refunds once a membership has been paid. As such we suggest new members try the one month membership to determine suitability. See the terms and conditions below. Read Member Comments 

There are just 3 steps to becoming a member. Step 1 is select a membership period. Step 2 is create your username and password. Step 3 is make payment and gain immediate access.



Terms and Conditions: Every membership gives full access to all articles, strategies, investing tools, portfolios, trade alerts, member only forums and much more. Learn investing strategies and how to grow capital while protecting it. One trade can often pay for a membership. There are no refunds so new members that are unsure of the information provides, should try the service for one month to determine suitability. One month should give enough time to determine if the content is of value or suits your investing style. Then you can renew for a longer period at a discounted price or renew monthly or quarterly until the next sale. FullyInformed is not a subscription service. There are no automatic renewals. Instead an email reminder is sent to you and you can then renew. You decide when and for how long to renew.

Pricing is in US dollars and includes any applicable taxes. For Canadian subscribers HST or GST is included. Payment can be made by MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover, Bitcoin, Debit Card or PayPal. A PayPal account is not required for most purchases unless you wish to pay with a debit card, check, cash, Bitcoin etc. We use PayPal as our payment processor as they are the largest processor in the world accepting most forms of payment including Bitcoin and Ethereum which many processors do not. They provide the highest level of protection including 24/7 monitoring with full encryptions of transactions and absolutely no sharing of financial information with us as vendors.  With PayPal your purchase is private, protected and secure.

Monthly amounts saved is based on the standard monthly fee of $69.95.


The Fullyinformed Members Section is designed for those investors interested in sharpening their investing skills by delving deeper into investing strategies using USA and Canadian stocks, options, ETFs and to a lesser extent Bonds. The focus is on investing strategies using equities and securities to benefit in up, down or sideways stocks markets. Learn how to design, build and handle portfolios to profit and protect in various market environments.

Read What Members Say About Their Own Membership

benefits-unique-environment is different. The focus here is learning how to become a better investor. A variety of strategies are outlined, discussed and trades presented which can be followed to assist investors in learning key aspects of everything from starting, compounding and protecting a portfolio, to understanding stock selection. Learn how to pick specific strategies dependent on market conditions and timing. Learn by watching trades and the strategies implemented, to gain knowledge about the pros and cons of different investing strategies through actual ongoing trades. Ask questions, read other investors’ questions and answers, study repair and rescue strategies to turn losing trades into winning trades where the focus is on protecting capital in use. Learn how to protect and benefit in up and down markets.

Private Members Only Forums

Members enjoy Private Members Only forums where questions can be posted and topics discussed. Private forums cover a variety of topics from trading and rescue strategies to stock picks, exit points and even some hand-holding. This is an excellent opportunity to get other opinions and share tips, ideas and strategies. It allows investors from novice to seasoned, to ask questions and learn to become better independent investors, in a comfortable, private setting.


The FullyInformed Members Only Section provides in-depth studies of strategies including discussions of adjustments and alterations for different market environments. The Members section allows for studying strategies and ongoing trades to see how to apply strategies to improve results.


Membership also provides full access to a variety of portfolios that allow investors to follow from start to finish different trades. Investors can study ongoing portfolios that focus on various types of portfolios from dividends to stocks to options to market direction. Portfolios cover everything from stocks to various option trades such as put option selling, covered calls, straddles, strangles, iron condors, married puts and option buying. Members can follow trades as they happen and watch how trades are handled and managed to learn how to grow and protect their own portfolios.

Read What Members Say About Their Own Membership


Membership allows investors to “follow along”, learn and engage in questions and answers so they can review, design and implement their own strategies.


I explain my trades and the strategies I am using. The focus is on learning how to navigate stock and option investing. Through the various articles members can learn how to make their own decisions on everything from stock selection, to choosing the proper strategy, to learning how to spot entry and exit points as well as protection of capital from loss.

benefit6 is designed for those who want to learn new strategies, see them implemented, watch outcomes and ask questions about everything from the existing strategies and my trades to their own trades and key aspects of investing in general. Real-time trading is not the focus of


Learn the ins and outs of when to buy into positions, set them up and how and when to take profits, which is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects for retails investors.


Learn how to profit as well as protect capital invested, in any kind of market including pullbacks, corrections and bear markets. The Members Correction and Bear Markets section provides insight into profiting from downturns and protecting positions and portfolios. Again ongoing trades show how I apply my strategies to profit from increased volatility and whipsaw markets while also protecting my longer-term portfolio and capital.

Read What Members Say About Their Own Membership


Through the Mentoring Tips section investors can work toward gaining investing confidence as I answer specific stock and option questions from investors and offer suggestions and ideas. I take the approach of the proverb, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  I started investing in the 1970’s through being mentored. I know how valuable it can be to be able to ask questions and have some hand-holding at times. Education, knowledge, and experience are key elements to building the confidence needed for successful investing and capital preservation.


Pullbacks, corrections and Bear Markets are an aspect of investing that many find difficult to navigate and profit from. Learn various rescue strategies designed to keep income flowing into a portfolio despite declines.

Get Trade Alerts and Trade Ideas

Members gain access to trade alerts and trade ideas covering a wide range of strategies and methods. Learn how to move away from risk oriented trades to focus on profit and protection of capital in use. Study the trade alerts and trade ideas as I discuss how I work toward protecting trades placed. Learn about stock selection and key aspects of trade entries and exits.


Learn how to trade the Ultra ETFs for superior gains in the Members only market direction portfolios.


The Members Section is more “hands-on” to allow for the studying of investing strategies and topics in order to learn more about earning income, compounding earnings and protecting positions and capital. The members section is not focused on real-time trading as that is an impossibility because trading itself is very fluid and time sensitive. The focus is education, knowledge and mentoring so investors can sharpen their investing skills and increase their knowledge. For more on why I cannot provide real-time trading please select this link.


You can select any membership period, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months and change each time you renew. I suggest starting with one month to make sure membership is right for you. Then select a longer time period to save more.

Read What Members Say About Their Own Membership


There is no automatic renewal so you can stay for just a month or for as long as you like. An e-mail renewal reminder is sent to you prior to your membership expiry and you can renew then or at any time before or after. If you renew before your membership ends, your remaining days are added to your account. If you renew after your account has expired, your access starts from the day of your payment and is not backdated.


All pricing is in USA dollars. You can pay via MasterCard, Visa, American Express and PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make payment. If you have trouble joining please e-mail for assistance.


Once you have made a payment, there are no refunds. For this reason I suggest new members start with one month access to determine the suitability of the strategies and content. Then when renewing you can save by selecting 3, 6 or 12 month renewal periods.


I started investing in the early 1970’s just before the oil embargo crashed stocks. I have profited and lost capital and gone through a mentoring process myself. I have gone through Bull and Bear Markets that span from the mid-1970’s to today. Over the past 5 decades I developed the strategies I share on this site and the insights into investing I use every day. I have learned that protecting existing capital is as important as profits. I hope you will consider joining me.

Teddi Knight – Author and Veteran Investor

Read What Members Say About Their Own Membership

Terms and Conditions

By joining the Members Section of you acknowledge you have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions.

Trade At Your Own Risk – Nothing Is Financial Advice or Recommendations

As with every article on, you trade at your own risk. Investing can and does result in losses. I accept no responsibilities for your trades and investments. I am not a financial planner or analyst. What you read on including the Members section, are my personal ideas only and are not financial advice, trading advice or investment recommendations. including the Members only sections are for reading enjoyment and interest only. No real-time trading is offered.

No Responsibility For Access

I accept no responsibility for any downtime, browser issues or problems (I recommend Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10 or higher and Safari), compatibility issues, access issues of any kind. It is understood that is not real time trading and does not offer any such service.

Refund Policy

Once you have made a payment, there are no refunds. I suggest new members start with one month access to determine the suitability of the strategies and content.

Copyright Of Content

All information including articles and charts are the property of the author of Nothing may be copied, downloaded or republished without the written permission of the author. The use of downloading, scraping or feed services to gather information from the website is prohibited. Bandwidth is supplied for all members for normal viewing. The website is not designed for making automated requests to download content. Automated requests for any purpose are blocked to assist in providing service equally to all members.

Comments and Questions

The author reserves full right to edit, reuse or discard comments and questions posted to and its members sites. Comments that the author considers as spamming, profane or slanderous in nature or content will be removed.

Comments From Members:

These are not endorsements, but emails, tweets, forums comments and posts from members describing their own membership experience.


I had one of my best trading days ever with the SPY. All I do is follow your methods. I don’t have to rely on your tweets like I used to. Thanks for providing such a valuable service.
Name: Tony
Country: USA
Tweet Feb 11 2022 at 15:21 EST


Thank you for getting back to me. The ideas are great and I will pursue one of them.
I really enjoy following your trades and the daily inputs you give.  I read them all.
Name: Jamie H.
Country: USA
Email Received: Jan 21 2022


Sold 10 MSFT 01/21/22 297.5 PUT at 0.58 leaves zero.  Just closed the $292.50 for .06 this morning. You are AMAZING!
Name: Larry P.
Country: Canada
Email Received: Jan 20 2022


I placed additional trades in my Retiring Easy Portfolio today. Also there were no losses taken in the Retiring Easy Portfolio. What an excellent way to generate income in this Portfolio. Best regards and A Happy New Year 2022
Name: Stan A.
Country: USA
Email Received: Dec 31 2021


Thank you for your quick response; I thought my opportunity was lost.  Thank you for all you do for us; I especially like your side commentary and opinions as they help me greatly in understanding what you are doing and what the market is doing.
Name: Sherry N.
Country: USA
Email Received: Dec 1 2021


The Retiring Easy Portfolio keeps pumping a lot of income into my portfolio. I just keep doing more than a handful of trades every month.
Name: Stan A.
Country USA
Email Received: Aug 12 2021


Thanks to your RIC suggestion on $ZM, I made a 50% ROI(16.2K total debit spread, ~8K in profits) in just 10 days! (You had predicted 65% ROI. I probably missed it cos I accidentally setup RIC trade with a skew towards the PUTs)
Name: Medical-Chart
Country: USA
Posted To Members Forum: Jun 11 2021


On Friday you gave a trade alert on BIIB. That would never have even been on my radar as a stock to watch for. It’s an S&P 500 stock but not one of the big guys so it’s just not something that catches my attention when I am looking for companies to sell spreads. Anyway, I looked at it, looked at where you purchased strikes at and looked at the 5-year history of the stock. Everything looked fabulous for selling puts so I sold 6 different puts across my 4 different accounts that I trade in ranging from a strike price of $230 down to $200. I was fairly confident that even if the FDA didn’t approve the drug I would still be sitting in a pretty good position since the stock has never really gone below $220 in the last 5 years. As you know, the stock skyrocketed. I bought back all my positions Monday morning that I had placed right before the market closed on Friday. Profit = $7800…more than 10x the cost of the 18-month subscription! Just having access to some of your thoughts and ideas and insight has proved to be super valuable…and profitable :) Thanks again!
Name: Caleb
Country: USA
Posted To Members Forum: Jun 7 2021


Thank you very much for creating the Fullyinformed website to teach us how to invest using put selling. I’ve been a member for over 1 year now and have been amazed by the amount and quality of the articles you put out everyday. Thank you so much!
Name: CJ
Country: USA
Email Received Jan 31 2021

I am a very happy member and my put selling and other trades are going very well—thank you for the fantastic work you do and the learning opportunities.
Nsme: JM  Members Forums: Sep 21 2020 – USA

I certainly am enjoying my new membership. I have already generated enough profits from your trade alerts to cover my subscription price. Thank you!
Name: D Burton  Email Received: Sep 15 2020 – USA

I’m really enjoying following along with your trades and have been doing very well with your watch list.
Name: Tom S. Emailed Received April 17 2020 – USA

I just wanted to say since I’ve joined your website couple months back, I have honestly learned so much more about options trading from reading your articles than from some of the option books I have read in the past year.  Thank you and grateful for that
Name: Ivan C.  Email Received April 16 2020 – USA

It is VERY rare to find any advisory service today that has the breadth of services you are now providing combined with the chance of actually contacting the person running the service.
Name: Ray B Emailed Received March 3 2020 – USA

Thanks so much for your detailed response. Given how much you care, I’m not surprised you took the time to write it. Of the 182 positions I’ve opened since subscribing to your service, 180 have been profitable.  Anyway, thanks for all you do. It’s an understatement to state that clearly you work extremely hard.
Name: Mark C: Email Received May 24 2019 – USA

In the past 2 years, I was learning how to work with options to improve my investment portfolio and this leads me to your site. I’ve learnt tons of information from your site and I’m really appreciate your hard work and perseverance for doing these. In my opinion, your site’s truly reflects the idea of “fully informed”. Thank you for being so generous to share.
Name: Catherine   Email Received Feb 14 2019 – Singapore

Thank you so much for all you do. Your ‘tools’ are wonderful!!!
Name: Karen S Posted To Groups Forum Jan 9 2019 – USA

First of all thank you for replying to my email. Can’t believe it since you are sort of a super star for me in the investing world :) Thanks for all you do for all of us. Not sure though when you get any rest. I don’t think I have ever read about you going on any sort of vacation. Thanks
Name: Nitin  Email Received Jan 22 2019

I am one of your long term subscribers and I am amazed by — and appreciative of —your consistency, dedication, knowledge, transparency and commitment to teaching investors/traders learn to manage and grow their money.  It’s wonderful to see that you really care about helping your readers/subscribers.
Name: Mary Ann   Email Received Dec 25 2018 – USA

Thank you for continuing to educate us on your SPY hedge strategy. Your notes for the 28th are excellent. Thanks again.  You truly are an amazing mentor and an inspiration to all of us wannabe retirees.
Name: Gary A.  Email Received July 4 2018

My portfolio hit $5M today! I just wanted to thank you for the Weed hedge advice.  It has worked out very well.  Both the selling PUTs and covered calls have helped protect and increase the return of the portfolio. I am so appreciative of your help, guidance and teachings over the years.  I’m only 52 and really getting set to enjoy life.
Nsme: Larry P. Email Received June 19 2018

Your steady hand and wealth of knowledge has made me become a much better and safer option trader over the last several years.
Name: Karen  Posted to Public Forum: June 4 2018

Teddi, you have built an awesome product (and website), tremendous amount of information and knowledge! Thanks again for your help.
Name: Ed  (Panama City)  Email Receive: May 6 2018

I am a hard study and look forward to being with you, learning and in the next few months working toward monthly income. Please accept my thanks.
Name: Michael H. Email Received: May 3 2018 – Georgia USA


The two attachments are Teddi’s published put stock trades from Jan. to June 2017. The green ink signifies a winning trade while red ink shows a losing one. Repairs to losing trades are not included. Because of her 86% accuracy I enjoy a better life. There are special people among us…and we can thank God for putting them here….and Ms. Teddi is one of them.
Name: Southern Yankee: Posted to Forum: Aug 31 2017

Teddi- Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I truly appreciate your guidance and all that you offer On your site.
Name: Dan     Posted To Forum: Jul 3 2017

Dear Teddi! I am a new member, admire your website. I have seen quite a few trading web sites. So far nobody stands even close in my humble opinion.
Name: Roman  Montreal, Canada  Email: June 18 2017

Teddi, I Closed FEZ, LOW, KRE, AAPL, DIS, FB, V. All over 75% gains!
Name: Mark M.  Twitter: Apr 24 2017

Just read your “ahead of the Fed” article. I was right with you! Great trade.
Name: Valerie B.  Twitter: Mar 22 2017

I’m a long term fan of you and your website.  I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the good work you have been doing for us!  I know you work hard for us.  I’m still learning tons and really value your experience and advice.  Just wanted you to know how much I value and appreciate you!
Name: Candy R. , Mableton GA – Email Received Mar 20  2017

I set a personal record on “Third Friday” last week by closing out 18 option positions with 18 wins.  If you are still pondering the merit of joining, get off the fence! Heck, sign up for a month-to-month subscription and cancel after a couple of months if you don’t like it. Teddi has taught me to go for singles and doubles instead of trying to hit home runs. Just as important, she has beat into us the importance of avoiding capital losses that are difficult to make up. Sign up with her and make some money.
Name: Pablo   Yahoo Public Forum: Jan 23 2017

Teddi,  I went aggressively after this one but thanks to you, I am not concerned. If I have under the water ITMs they were rolled, sometimes as a debit (no naked puts here) and then put on a trade that will offset the debit paid on a Call Spread without using more capital. It sure has taken me a while but I am a better investor (in my own way), thanks to you!
Name: Valerie   Members Forum – Dec 1 2016

In the years I have been a subscriber I have learnt so much and have profited greatly.  Thanks again for your great work. Kind Regards
Name: Jim L.Y.  Email Received – Nov 29 2016

After each expiration Friday, I wish I could raise a toast in person with you as I write “Expired” on the confirmations. Your trade ideas on large-cap and low-volatility companies, instead of flashy ones, are the best ideas out there.  I lift a glass of vodka and tonic water, and say to you, “Here’s to good health and great wealth!”
I only have health, but you’re helping with the other part.  :-)

Name: Richard C.   Email Received – Sep 18 2016

Despite my years of trading experience, your tips have so far produced results which have allowed me to enter and exit stock and option positions profitably.
Name: Shmuel Z.  Email Received – June 8 2016


I have amonthly membership – but will purchase an annual mmbership – I like your over all approach to managing risk and your multiple strategies.
Name: Don.   Posted To Members Forum: May 8 2016

You are the most honest and generous person that I have found on the net willing to help people with the daunting task of becoming good investors.
Name: Jacques P.  Email Jan 31 2016  Prov: Quebec Canada

Teddi 12 months ago I barely knew what an option was. After being a member of your site for the last 6 months+ I have learned a tremendous amount, like the CSCO trade I did today. I appreciate what you do for us all and the cost at which you provide access. Thank you Teddi.
Name: Corey W.  Posted to Yahoo Options Forum: Jan 8 2016

I’ve only been a member for 2 months but I’ve already learned a lot from you. You’re doing an amazing job with your membership site!
Name: Martin  Email: Received Dec 10 2015

Thx to you – I am becoming a better trader. I spent most of my day just watching – prices changes, volume, and the impact!
Name: Valerie B – Twitter Post Dec 3 2015:  3:28 PM

I’ve earned more money with you than any other financial advisory service, and a subscription is well worth the cost.
Name: Richard  Email received Nov 28 2015  State: California

You are the best! Love your site and terrific advice that has saved me literally thousands of dollars, particularly in learning to roll puts sideways or down to protect capital before accepting assignment or preventing it all together by closing early for smaller gains.
Name: Paula   Email received Nov 21 2015  State: New York

I belong (or have belonged to many sites).  Your site and offerings are worth a minimum of $100 a month.  Keep up the great work.
Name: Brad    Email received Oct 20 2015  City: Windermere FL

Teddi.  I have been a member since 2013 and I have gained a lot in value thru this membership. I wonder where anyone can get this value for less than $30 per month. This mail is to say Thank You for your valuable guidance over the years.
Name: Sada – Posted to Yahoo Group Forum  Oct 19 2015

Thank you for everything you do. You have changed the way I trade. I am now confident that I can meet any Investing challenge.
Name: Chris – Posted to Yahoo Group Forum  Oct 18 2015

Again, thank you, Teddi, for making me such a better trader and sharing so much with us.
Name: Karen – Posted to Yahoo Group Forum  Oct 18 2015

It is a pleasure to be on your website.  It has been a blast over the last 3 years.  Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Name: Stan – Email received  Oct 18 2015

Hi, Teddi! I have been a member off and on for several years (only due to time constraints with my job, so I love the flexibility you offer). I just want you to know how much you have helped me & in more ways than you know.  I’m sure there are many out there like me that feel the same but just haven’t commented yet. I will be re-newing again on Friday and look forward to all that you have to offer with the new changes and classes. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Name Pam – Email received Oct 14 2015  City: Branson, MO

Once again, an incredible, safe call for the week. Awesome job!
Name: Amy – posted to members forum Sep 28 2015

Teddi: Nice FB trades for today’s expiration — good job!. Thanks for encouraging us to save cash for times like this week.
Name: Spudoman – Posted to members forum Aug 28 2015

Personally, my success rate and profitability per trade has increased dramatically since joining this site.
Name: Chris – Posted to Public Yahoo Forum July 20 2015

I can’t begin to describe how much my trading life has changed since I joined.
Name: Karen – Posted to Public Yahoo Forum July 19 2015

I don’t know how you could be a member of Teddi’s site and NOT make money. Everything I do is a result of watching how she trades, reading her tutorials, entering many of her trades of course, but mostly learning her thinking process.
Name: Amy – Posted to Public Yahoo Forum July 19 2015

I think this is one of the best websites out there for the individual investor.
Name: Jim C – Posted to members forum May 31 2015

I want to thank Teddi for inspiring me to plan and execute trades…considering upside, downside, risk, and plans if the trade doesn’t work out.
Name: David  (My Yahoo Options Forum)  Mar 12 2015

Thanks for your sharing your investment insights. I have learned so much from your site and have started implementing some of the strategies.
Name: Marci – Posted to members forum Mar 2 2015

I renewed my membership today and wanted to share some reflections on why. I have been trading options for about 5 years and  naked puts have for the past few years become  without a doubt my favorite strategy.  I  am also very active in a couple trading community groups and help moderate one in particular with several hundred followers. I have been sharing my trades and promoting naked put  strategies for some time there.  A year or so ago your site was introduced to me by one of our community members. I cannot express to you how your experience and what you share has improved my trading and made me a better and more complete trader. It’s a wonderful thing when you start to learn a strategy so well you can trade it with consistency, confidence, and without fear no matter what Mr. Market does. The membership price is cheap and well worth both the content and interaction.
Name: John    Location: Canada  Email Received Feb 12 2015

I have been religiously following your strategies.  I do not have enough words to thank you.
Name: Kunal – email received Jan 22 2015 City: Mumbai  India

Teddy, first thanks for all the great info. You have made a HUGE difference in my trading success!
Name: Robert – Disqus comment Jan 5 2015

Hi Teddi, You’re my new year’s resolution!!!  I’ve watched you over the year and will now get active with investing. Thanks for all your effort with the site and your knowledge – it’s appreciated.
Name: Michael – email received Jan 2 2015  City: NSW – Australia

Just want to wish you a Happy Healthy New Year and thank you for running a terrific site. You provide a tremendous amount of teaching and information at a very fair value. Your energy and output is scary impressive! All the best and thank you.
Name: Jerry – email received Jan 1 2015   City: Cincinnati

Thanks for opening the Canadian site to focus on Canadian equities. I joined in June and made 18% this year. It is the best I have done in years and your articles are easy to follow. I love your stock analysis and your prices are very affordable. I renewed for a year! Happy New Year.
Name: Gina – email received Dec 30 2014   City: Montreal

I am a member and plan to continue month-to-month. You are the real McCoy. Your trades and advice are sincere and well thought out. I appreciate the immense amount of time you take to discuss trades, trading and strategies – for example your recent article about Encana energy and rescue attempt. Few would take such elaborate pains to help that trader and, by extension, any others who may be or could be in the same boat. I am learning much. Thank you kindly.
Name: Fred – email received Nov 13 2014 City: Richmond (USA)

I will be forever in your debt for how much I have learned here and used to help secure my senior years.  If you just wrote your articles and never answered a question, your site would still be a 100 times more valuable than any I have ever found.
Name: Karen – (My Yahoo Options Forum) Oct 12 2014

I wish I had known about you/your website years ago.
Name: Wayne – Email received Sept 7 2014

Hi Teddi, I have gained valuable information from your website.  Weekly put selling is my preferred strategy, including high-volatility put selling on earnings day for large caps.  I aim for a weekly target of 1%.
Name: Castel – Email Received Aug 17 2014

I really appreciate the knowledge and experience you share. I have learned so much since I discovered your site….and made profits as well!
Name: Howard – Email received June 30 2014

Teddi – your articles on Apple credit put spreads alone are worth the price of your service!
Name: Mortimer – Twitter June 9 2014

Thank you for all your work. You are the most honest, transparent, non-hype mentor, the best that anyone could ever hope to find, as I did accidentally and am grateful.
Name: Donald – Email received June 8 2014

Every time I think I’ve mastered something, a new situation pops up that tests my skills. All the strategies Teddi pulls out of the toolkit for what for me are new market situations are great and always get the head crunching. Amazing amount of work you have done for us – thank you very much!
Name: Ian (My Yahoo Options Forum) June 2 2014

I will gladly join the “echo chamber” when it comes to Teddi and this site.  Even after a year here, I feel as if I have only begun to touch the surface of all she has to share with us.
Name: Karen (My Yahoo Options Forum) June 2 2014

Teddi is a breath of fresh air over the other “learn & earn” sites.  She diligently describes her rational for her trades and shares, in depth, her plans for managing her trades.  Subscription sites probably have a place for some investors, but over the years my largest return from any of them has been high disappointment. The “teach the person to fish” model works very well here.  I’m holding onto the pole I’m using.
Name: Mel (My Yahoo Options Forum) June 2 2014

Thanks to Teddi for giving me  the confidence to allow assignment, knowing it could be rescued in a myriad of ways!
Name: Amy (My Yahoo Options Forum) May 2014

I learn something new every time I read one of your articles. More than that though, your extensive research and presentation makes me feel as if I am being personally mentored. I still have a tremendous amount to learn, but am sold on your style of slow, steady, opportunistic investing. I have only followed you for three months but I can already see the results in my portfolio.
Name: Rick  Email Received Dec 9 2014

Over the past year I have been reading pretty much every article on your site. I have read “How I treat My Investment Like a Business” more than 50 times. I have finally taken the plunge and am now allocating my assets between cash, bonds and stocks. I hope to emulate what you have achieved in your trading in the years to come.
Name: Shobir Email Received Oct 12 2014

Probably the most comprehensive site with real down to earth solutions for the retail investor that I have ever found… Thanks Teddi, you are wonderful !
Name: Kevin  City: Selangor  Email Received Sep 23 2014

Teddi, I want to thank you for the great four part series on making 2014 a profitable year.  It is an excellent series of insightful analysis and strategies.  It alone is worth the membership cost.
Name: Thomas (Yahoo Options Forum) Aug 12 2014

I can’t tell you how much you mean to me in my trading/investing and how thankful I am that you take your time to help others. I hope you are rewarded with more than double of what you give out. Your “Building Wealth Using Covered Calls Strategy On Stocks” article really touched me and turned on a big bright lightbulb. You helped me understand how I can better take care of myself in retirement AND share those gifts with my family and grandchildren.  It has given me alot to think about and be grateful for!
Name: Candice  City: Newark  Email Received July 3 2014

Hi Teddi – thanks for another great trade idea. In at $0.70 mid-day for 4 Naked Puts (Colgate-Palmolive Stock). I have to tell you… After reading several books on option strategies and wanting to do more research I did a Google search and came upon your website this month. You are by far the best resource I have found yet. Look forward to learning and trading with you.
Name: Tmac  Email Received June 2 2014

I became a member two weeks ago and have learned more from you in two weeks than I have learned in twenty years.
Name: Dave  City: Towson  Email Received May 12 2014

This information is excellent and very helpful to me and, I’m sure, to many others. FullyInformed is well worth the cost. You have given me a great deal of confidence over the past 6 months since becoming a member.
Name: Forsetta  Apr 20 2014

I am writing to express my gratitude for all the energy you spend to maintain such a wonderful site! I stumbled across FullyInformed back in October of 2013 when I was contemplating options.  I have to admit that everything went right over my head at first.  But I have always been an investor in large cap stocks so I was fascinated by your stock selection.  So, I started reading one of your articles a week, and gradually ramped up from there.  Things started to make sense, rather quickly I am amazed to say.  A major reason for that is the consistency in your investment strategies.  It is so extremely helpful and a huge confidence boost for a beginning investor to see the same investment principles applied time and again with success and/or with good rescue strategies.  And on top of that, strategies that can be implemented by an average investor.  Again, I don’t know how you do it but I pick up wisdom and have ‘ah ha’ moments almost every time I read or reread your articles.  I read in one of your articles that investing is a lonely venture and finding good mentors is difficult.  Thank you again for all you do to make the road less lonely and being such a good mentor to so many.
Name: Lei   Email: Mar 25 2014

Retired Newbie, taking control after 2 1/2 yrs of losing with a ‘Pro’ before finding you. Thank you for all you effort and support for novice and experienced traders.
Name: Ed   Feb 28 2014

As time goes by I have learned to appreciate how important it is to acknowledge the efforts of others when one has the chance.  This message is a short thank you for everything you do each and every day to help those of us that are trying to build a bit of a nest egg for the future
Name: Frank  City: Raleigh  Email Received Feb 3 2014

Teddi, I thank you for your hard work and relentless dedication. I have been a member of your site for only two months, and I thank my good friend Judy D. for suggesting you. I have been able to understand put selling more and have a new confidence in doing “naked puts.” I thank you again, and I wish you and all of your members a happy, healthy and very prosperous 2014.
Name: Pamela Posted To Yahoo Forum Jan 2014

Please keep going with how you go about it. The universe of information is always divided by people selling crap or smart people not willing or able to share. This is the first time I found a resource with substance and continuity. Please keep going!
Name: Stijn City: Dublin  Email Received Jan 2014

As someone who had been trading options unsuccessfully for three years before 2013, Teddi’s put selling knowledge and doing it on the correct stocks has been a game changer.  I started the year in my option account with about $8700 dollars having drawn it down from $10000 from 2009-12.  Mainly selling calls and verticals.  Towards the end of 2012 I had finally discovered put selling but I was only selling OTM SPY puts.  I was just starting making a little money when I discovered Teddi’s web site and this board.  I am glad to say I made 30% this year on this account.
Name: Bill – Posted to the Yahoo Options Forum – Jan 5 14

Let me start out by saying that I appreciate the time and effort you put into every single article. I spend hours on your site every day. I’ve learned a lot and the member section has improved my trading and my bank account. Keep up the good work.
Name: Mitch  City: Dallas  Email Received Nov 2013

I very much enjoy reading your well thought out articles and your mentoring method works wonders for me. I am a member until you stop writing.
Name: Rudy  City: Toronto  Email Received Oct 23 2013

I have been a subscriber for less than a week and have learned more than I have learned over my life time by reading your strategies.
Name: Jim  City: McKinney Email Received Oct 22 2013

I am so glad to have found you. The teaching style is so helpful and detailed.  I am 68 and getting ready to go live very carefully. Thank You again for this wonderful site!
Name: Bill City: Hartford  Email Received Oct 12 2013

Your examples on rescuing trades and rolling options saved more than one of my trades. Your mentoring helped with a covered call I had sold and then the stock jumped up and I though I would have to buy them back for losses. Instead you should me how to properly buy them back for a net credit. Genius.
Name: Elliot  City: Washington  Email Received Oct 2013

I liked your style and joined your site the first day that I found it!
Name: Greg  City: Miami  Comment Posted to Yahoo Forum Sep 2013

Thanks to Teddi and her articles pn how to set the stop orders and buying back on dips.  Thanks Teddi, keep the articles coming.
Name: David N.  (My Yahoo Options Forum)  August 2013

Teddi: Love the site! Thank you for sharing your expertise. I have learned more here than in the hundreds of books I have bought.
Name: Samantha City: Miami  Email Received July 2013

I have made back all my losses from 2008 since becoming a member. Your style of writing is excellent and I love watching your trades.
Name: Larry City: New York  Email Received June 12 2013

I enjoy reading how you have dealt with different situations. I like how you explain how the fundamentals and history of the company tell you one thing, and the market and the technicals tell you another. I have learned so much from how you handle losing trades. Many thanks!
Name: Stephen City: Prague  Email Received April 23 2013

Teddi, I value all your input. I was planning on autotrading until I joined your site. I see no point in throwing my money away in autotrading now that I have seen how you invest. I love the mentoring style. I appreciate all your help in identifying my mistakes.
Name: Hanron City: Gilbert  Email Received April 14 2013

I enjoy each article you write. I look forward to coming to your site every day. It is the best money I have ever spent on investing.
Name: Craig  City: Midland   Email Received April 2013

I just stumbled on your site a couple weeks back and am now a member. I’m very impressed by your trade success with selling options. You have a ton of useful information that I am profiting from. Thank you for it.
Name: Andy City: Oxford  Email Received Feb 2013

I have read your material for a long time and admire your insight into how the markets function. You are doing a great service for neophytes and old timers like me. Thanks for all you do.
Name: Don  City: New York  Email Received Jan 20 2013

I have been reading your web site now for several months.  Thank you for a wonderful site. I joined and plan to be a lifetime member. I especially appreciate the forethought that goes into every one of your articles.
Name: Linda City: Lorain  Email Received Dec 2012

All I can say is Wow. Finally someone has got investing right. I have paid for lots of sites in the past. Your site is the only one worth paying for. Thank you for your efforts.
Name: Reggie  City: Elk Gove  Email Received Dec 2012

Hi Teddi: I have just joined your regular and paid membership. Congratulations on a great web site. I can appreciate the amount of work and commitment of time in producing all the content relative to your trading and the use of various option stratagies.
Name:  Michael B.  City: Toronto, ON, Canada  Email: Received Oct 30 2012

In any event, you’ve got the best put selling site I know of, and you’re writing consistently, so I’m happy to be a member.
Name: Elliot G  City: Yucaipa, California    Email: Received Oct 25 2012

I have a healthy respect for the market but you have shown so many ways to maneuver a position I don’t lose sleep at night.
Name: Greg S   State: California   Email: Received Oct 20 2012

Your website is the best I have discovered for me to learn how to trade like a banker in the casino’s seat rather than as a player who normally loses out. I am trying to educate myself through your website by looking through all your postings. I consider you to be my Mentor to learn to become better at trading. I regret not discovering your website earlier but I have the patience to learn as much as I can to understand the strategies that are workable.  With My Best Regards to My Mentor Always
Name: Michael L    Email: Received Oct 8 2012

I am so excited about your new members service and the penny trades and the two covered call strategies!  Thanks for bringing back passion in my life!
Name Barbara N  City: Salinas California   Email: Received Oct 4 2012

Teddi, Another well written article by you.  Your plan is rather simple but it requires patience.  That I’ll need to learn.  I’ve looked at your put selling profits over time and they are remarkable.
Name: Randy H   Email: Received Sep 12 2012

Teddi, This is one comprehensive site! Wish I found this site sooner!  I’ve been half ass trading options since ’05.  I got a little more serious with it about a year ago and now I am a bit more eager. Hope to learn more from you and your site.  Thanks.
Name Tom T   City: Plant City Florida   Email:Received Aug 15 2012

I often carve out some time on Sundays to wander around your site looking for articles of interest and even re-reading some strategies that fit my own style of trading.  Your knowledge is unparalleled and your willingness to share and mentor us is very, very special, indeed.
Name: Rohanna  City: Atlanta  Email Received Aug 3 2012

Hi!  I just stumbled on your site a couple weeks back and I’m very impressed by your trade success with selling options and also the ton of useful information you have on your site.  Thank you for it.
Name: Randy  Email Received July 27 2012

Watching Teddi’s trades over time has caused me to add her most-traded Options to my watch list.
Name: Dave J  Posted To Yahoo Options Forum Jule 23 2012 2:16PM

Your site and Put selling advice is the best!  I love the way you think and the way you present your suggestions to your subscribers.  Put selling is now the primary direction of my retirement portfolio (already retired).  I especially like the weekly/bi-weekly trade strategies as there is plenty of time to roll when necessary while still keeping the trades relatively short term.  I’m sold on chipping away at small but consistent profits.  Who needs home runs when singles and doubles are so plentiful. I trust all is well with you Teddi.  Keep up the great work!!
Name: Arthur  City:Mount Vernon  Email Received June 5 2012

Thanks to your holding my hand and patience I now own shares in companies like Intel, Clorox, Procter and Gamble, Coca Cola, PepsiCo that are largely paid for from the income I earned through your strategies. I am a member of your paid site and plan to stay for as long as you are active. My stock portfolio is almost double what it once was. I have a lot of cash on the sidelines and I could care less if Coca Cola Stock or any of my stocks fall down in value. I have all my money back and these stocks are paying me a river of dividends. You said “the proof is in the pudding” and I have eaten the pudding and it tastes wonderful.
Name: Fred  City: Atlanta  Email Received May 23 2012

I have only been a member for about 6 weeks but I can truly say I am a real fan of yours.  I’ve tried a number of services & I have only found one other that I feel is even in the same league as yours.
Name: Roger  City: Hot Springs  Email Received May 10 2012

Thanks for your wonderful website.  I have learned so much from you and have begun put selling this year.
Name: Sharon  Email Received April 7 2012 City: Washington