Two days ago I was busy Put Selling TD Stock and now I have made another trade this morning, buying shares in TD Stock. TD Stock remains an excellent candidate for Put Selling and stock trading. TD Stock is in a longer-term uptrend which was recently challenged in early November when the last quarterly earnings failed to get analysts excited about the prospects for future earnings and growth at TD Bank.
All TD Stock trades are being done on the Toronto Stock Exchange where the symbol is TD. TD Stock trades on New York under the symbol TD. I prefer the options in Canada because I am using Canadian dollars but they are thinly traded so you have to take your time placing the bids and asks. On New York the options are readily available but again they have wider spreads between bid and ask and you have to take your time placing the trades.
TD Stock, represents Toronto Dominion Bank Stock a Canadian Bank with international exposure including TD Ameritrade and TD Bank in the United States. In Canada it is known as TD Canada Trust.
TD Stock is an extremely well-managed bank which recently produced excellent returns in the last quarter but also showed that earnings may be slowing at Canada’s second largest bank. TD Bank has a market cap of 75.3 billion which places it solidly behind Royal Bank Of Canada, Canada’s largest bank by assets and market cap.
TD Stock Earnings Growth
Canada’s banks are a different breed of banks than many worldwide banks. They have steady earnings and rarely disappoint to the downside. That said, they rarely have spectacular or unexpected earnings to the upside. Their businesses are built on solid banking principles of loaning money and managing money. The chart below shows the banking earnings over the past 5 years. The financial crisis of 2008 to 2009 shows up even in TD Stock bank earnings.

TD Stock Revenue Growth
In the previous quarter they earned $1.83 a share on 5.9 billion of income which was slightly better than the same quarter the previous year but analysts had estimated on average that TD Stock would earn $1.85 a share and so in early November after the earnings announcement the stock sold off. With a dividend yield of 3.76% (Jan 17 13) it is one of the lower dividend among Canada’s banks. 2013 could see further gains in growth for TD Stock as earnings from both Canada and international markets should be set to improve.
TD Stock FullyInformed Members Strategy Details
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