Covered Calls - Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy Trade

For Thu Dec 8 2022 there are two stocks using the Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy.

This second Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy trade had its trade adjusted from the outline. This trade is not quite as strong as the first trade done but it earns more income which I think makes the risk to my portfolio worthwhile.

Remember to use the strategy links below to learn the strategy and paper trade the strategy until the results are consistently profitable, before risking capital in these trades.

Strategy Links:

  • This article outlines the Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy and is a good starting place to understand this strategy.
  • This articles discusses techniques for Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy trades that are not exercised or are partly exercised.
  • This article looks at how to learn the strategy through paper-trading it first.

This Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy Article is for FullyInformed Members.

Covered Calls: 2nd Super Charge Buy-Write Strategy Trade Alert for Thu Dec 8 2022

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