Building Your Stock FortressThis is a FullyInformed Members strategy article. Recently I received an email from an investor, Joseph, who explained that he is enjoying the strategies and articles on the members site and is now making the majority of his investment income selling put credits spreads and naked puts. This year Joseph has earn $188,000 in income. The problem he is facing is having a lengthy list of stocks that he feels is unmanageable. This investor’s questions touch upon the topic of a watch list and a trading list for stock selection. Let’s look at his question and then discuss the steps to take to build the foundation of your own stock fortress.

Investor’s Portfolio Question

My strategy has been to create a sector balanced portfolio of stocks I would want to own & then aggressively sell put credit spreads and puts.  I have noticed that some stocks work better for put selling than others either because of somewhat predictable ranges or by having enough movement where there (are) a number of options for strike price choices. 
Unfortunately, I think i have grown my stock list beyond my ability (or desire) to stay on top of from a standpoint of tracking metrics, and detailed info.  Would you mind giving me your thoughts on who I should delete if any.  Or, if you think these 53 stock represent good opportunities then I’ll just stick with them. I can’t mention enough how much I appreciate and enjoy your daily thoughts and comments. Up $188,370 year to date for 2013 and happy!  Joseph”

This strategy article is 2600 words and will require 8 pages if printed. To read the rest of this strategy article FullyInformed Members can login directly through this link or Members can sign in here. Non-members can join here.

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