Yesterday I had discussed selling the $67.50 put strike in PKG stock. I did that only to discover the stock falling today and pushing up the put premiums for the strike I sold yesterday.

The present market is seeing more and more of these types of whipsaws as the market struggles to maintain a clear path either up or down. But instead of being upset over missing the downturn by a day, I set up my trades to be able to take advantage of any change in the stock and the options I am following. Therefore I am setting up my trades to be never missing an opportunity.

This is a Trade Alert and discussion for FullyInformed Members on PKG Stock. Packaging Corp of America which in 2013 bought out its rival Boise Inc is the world leader in corrugated container products. It also has the highest dividend in the paper packaging industry.

FullyInformed Members can read the latest PKG Stock details directly through this link or Members can sign in to the full members site here. Non-members can join here.

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