Don't Be An Absent Landlord

Yesterday I wrote that pullbacks and corrections are common in bull markets. It is the market’s way of building support bases and consolidating increases in valuations.

Pullbacks and corrections are an important element of investing.

The problem is that for almost 5 months the market has not experienced a move lower of even 1% in a day. This makes it easy for investors to jump into stocks and figure that everything is just going to keep moving higher. That is rarely the case.

When investors end up holding shares in a stock that then pulls back, they often become worried and distraught. As the stock moves lower the level of stress climbs.

Stock Fallen? Here’s What To Do

Hardly an investor who owns shares or has been assigned shares from selling options has not experienced the “sinking” feeling of watching the value of their stock(s) and their portfolio fall.

This article explains a variety of ideas on how to repair or restructure trades that have failed or are losing value. It also shows how through combining the Home On The Range Strategy with the Hide And Seek Covered Calls strategy an investor can eventually own a stock for $Zero dollars.

These tips and suggestions can be used on any stock.

This strategy article is 2300 words in length and requires 6 pages if printed. It is for FullyInformed Members.

 Don’t Be An Absent Landlord – Home On The Range and Stocks For $Zero


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